Membership & Benefits

Join Cal Coast and Live a More Prosperous Life 

成为加州海岸信用社的会员既容易又有回报. If you live or work anywhere in San Diego, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Imperial, 和圣贝纳迪诺县,我们欢迎您今天加入我们,开户或申请贷款——就这么简单!

Benefits Far Beyond Banking 

成为加州海岸的一部分不仅仅意味着贷款利率高得惊人, 抵押贷款和信用卡——每次您打电话给我们的会员服务中心或走进我们的分行,都能得到无与伦比的服务, 这是获得免费的个性化财务指导的途径——它为你的韦德体育开户和职业生活打开了一扇通往津贴和福利世界的大门. 没有什么比加入一个由志同道合的人组成的重视教育的社区更令人满意的了, living comfortably and giving back. 

Member Perks

从忠诚奖励到个性化理财建议再到抽奖, being a Cal Coast member is a no-brainer. 

Loyalty Program

Earn Loyalty Rewards
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  • 自动赚取积分,一旦你成为会员
  • 通过使用产品/服务、开户等获得积分.
  • Redeem points as you wish!

Financial Wellness

Financial Workshops
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From one-on-one coaching to monthly webinars, 加州海岸努力为我们的会员和社区提供持续和有价值的财务健康计划和教育. 

Referral Program

Coast into Cash
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  • Refer a friend
  • Referral becomes a member
  • Both get rewarded

Online & Mobile Banking

Online & Mobile Banking
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Member Referral Program

Earn up to $500 per year!

与你的朋友和家人分享加州海岸可以获得奖励. For every successful referral, you'll get $50 and they'll get $50! 推荐只需要几秒钟,你的朋友可以在几分钟内在线注册.1

About Us

Cal Coast Cares Foundation

In 2023, 加州海岸关怀基金会提供了160多美元,奖学金给有资格的大学生, 即将毕业的高中毕业生和寄养学生, or have been in, 圣地亚哥或里弗赛德县的寄养项目来攻读认证学位. 该基金会还通过资助课堂项目来支持当地教育工作者. 

Membership and credit subject to approval. 为每一个在圣地亚哥生活或工作的人服务, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Imperial, and San Bernardino Counties. 一次性5美元的会员费和储蓄账户是必需的. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Restrictions apply.

1. 推荐会员每个日历年最多可获得500美元的推荐奖金. 推荐会员必须年满18岁或以上才能参加“海岸兑换现金”推荐计划. Up to $150 maximum referral bonus will be deposited into the referring member’s savings account when the new member’s qualifying accounts are opened/loan is funded; $50 paid when new member’s qualifying accounts are opened, 如果新会员在前30天内提供汽车贷款,则支付25美元, 如果新会员在头120天内提供住房贷款,则额外支付75美元. Excludes credit cards and lines of credit. 与房地产交易有关的任何当事人, including Real Estate agents, are not eligible for this offer. 新会员必须年满13岁或以上才有资格成为该计划的推荐人. 13到15岁的孩子需要父母或监护人共同注册账户. Savings account required. 要求在储蓄或支票账户中最低存款50美元,并且在红利支付之前必须保持最低余额50美元. 当新会员的储蓄户口开立或贷款完成后,可获一次性$50红利存入新会员的储蓄户口. 符合资格的帐户必须在成为会员之日起30天内开立,才有资格获得50美元的红利. 额外的75美元红利支付时,房地产贷款资金在前120天内. 要求储蓄或支票账户的最低存款余额为50美元. Bonus subject to tax reporting. 收件人负责支付任何联邦、州或地方的税收. Limited time offer; program subject to change without notice. Membership and credit subject to approval. 为每一个在圣地亚哥或河滨县生活或工作的人服务. 一次性5美元的会员费和储蓄账户是必需的. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Some restrictions apply. New member eligible for one $50 incentive.

Don't be a stranger, we're your neighbor

对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? Whatever your question or need, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 your best interest at heart. 

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